El siguiente terreno se encuentra situado en pleno centro de Santiago de Compostela, el precio incluye el proyecto de ejecucion de una vivienda de tres plantas con garaje y jardin la licencia de demolicion y y la licencia de obra que ya esta aprobada. El edificio se emplaza en un lugar privilegiado a escasos metros del centro historico de la ciudad, contando con todo tipo de servicios urbanos. A ello hay que sumarle su optima orientacion, el jardin exterior, las vistas directas hacia el parque Monte da Almaciga, y su proximidad a los principales equipamientos de la ciudad (Parque de Bonaval, Museo do Pobo Galego, Centro Galego de Arte Contemporaneo, Colegio La Salle, Mercado de abastos, Complejo administrativo San Caetano, Catedral de Santiago, etc. ), todo ello sin renunciar a un garaje en la propia parcela. Edificio de planta baja, dos plantas altas, planta bajo cubierta y jardin posterior. En planta baja se dispone el portal de acceso a traves de un zaguan de diseno con un frontal continuo de madera y puertas ocultas que dan servicio, por un lado al garaje y por otro, al recibidor de la vivienda. Una vez dentro, en planta baja se disponen: armario ropero, zapatero y espacios de almacenamiento, ademas del cuarto de instalaciones. En las plantas superiores se desarrollan el resto de estancias de la vivienda: zona de dia en la primera planta con cocina, estar, comedor, aseo completo, lavadero/despensa y acceso directo al jardin. La zona de noche se desarrolla en plantas segunda y bajo cubierta, albergando los dormitorios. El edificio se encuentra en un lugar privilegiado proporcionando la intimidad de una casa a las afueras pero en el centro de Santiago, disponiendo de todo tipo de servicios a su alrededor. La edificacion contara con un alto grado de calidad tanto en lo referente a la construccion de la misma como a los acabados y detalles de la vivienda, siendo posible su personalizacion. Ademas de todo ello, la edificacion contara con la calificacion energetica mas alta, gracias al estudiado diseno arquitectonico y a la gran dotacion de sistemas de aislamiento termico No dude en contactar para mas informacion y agendar su visita, estaremos encantados de atenderles.
Land with project for single-family house and license in Santiago de Compostela.
The following plot is located in the centre of Santiago de Compostela, the price includes the project for the construction of a three-storey house with garage and garden, the demolition licence and the building licence, which has already been approved.
The building is located in a privileged place a few meters from the historic centre of the city,
with all kinds of urban services. In addition to this, it has an excellent orientation, an outdoor garden
garden, direct views of the Monte da Almáciga park, and its proximity to the city's main facilities (Bonaval Park, the Museo do Pobo Galego, Centro Galego
de Arte Contemporáneo, Colegio La Salle, Mercado de Abastos, Complejo administrativo San Caetano, Cathedral
San Caetano, Santiago Cathedral, etc. ), all without renouncing to a garage in the plot itself.
The building has a ground floor, two upper floors, a ground floor and a back garden.
On the ground floor there is an access doorway through a designer entrance hall with a continuous wooden front and hidden doors that
continuous wooden front and hidden doors that give service, on one side to the garage and on the other, to the entrance hall of the house.
On one side and the entrance hall on the other.
Once inside, on the ground floor there are: wardrobe, shoe rack and storage spaces, as well as the installations room.
On the upper floors, the rest of the rooms of the house are developed: day area on the first floor with kitchen, living room, dining room
kitchen, living room, dining room, complete toilet, laundry/pantry and direct access to the garden.
garden. The sleeping area is on the second floor and under the roof, where the bedrooms are located.
The building is in a privileged location providing the intimacy of a house in the outskirts but in the centre of the city.
The building is in a privileged location, providing the intimacy of a house in the outskirts but in the centre of Santiago, with all kinds of services around it.
The building will have a high degree of quality both in terms of the construction of the building and in terms of its finishes
and the finishes and details of the house, being possible its personalisation.
In addition to all this, the building will have the highest energy rating, thanks to the studied architectural design and to the
to the studied architectural design and to the great endowment of thermal insulation systems.
Do not hesitate to contact us for more information and to schedule your visit, we will be delighted to assist you.